*do not do this if you are pregnant, have low blood pressure or low blood sugar
‘Clean and Green’ diet is a very strict for one week, then two non-consecutive days per week for one month. Then repeat it one day per week and one weekend per month thereafter for 1one year.
The ‘Clean and Green’ diet
Unlimited green juices: cucumber, celery, parsley, spinach, cabbage, fennel, kale with
smaller amounts of beet greens, Swiss chard and wild greens, such as dandelion, chickweed, miner’s lettuce, purslane and sheep sorrel,
Plus one serving daily of: jicama, green apple, carrot, beet to sweeten the green juice
Unlimited steamed greens: broccoli, savoy or red cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, collards, turnips tops, red chard, beet tops. Top with lemon juice and Braggs Seaweed Sprinkle or nutritional yeast.
Plus one serving daily of whole grain: quinoa, millet, kasha, brown rice, barley
May be served with lemon juice, Braggs, tahini or other nut/seed butter.
Two servings daily of fresh or frozen fruit. Best are blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, purple plum, cherries, apple, pear.
The rest of the week/month:
Add one more serving of whole grain daily IE: brown rice, quinoa, millet, or starchy vegetable like carrot, beet, potato, sweet potato, squash
Add 60 – 70 g (2.2oz – 2.5oz) protein daily: nuts, seeds and nut butters, bean/pulses, tempeh, occasional tofu, wild caught cold water fish, organic grass/free range eggs up to eight per week, free range/grass fed organic meats
Focus on anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant foods.
Infra red or regular sauna, dry skin brushing, rebounder/mini-trampoline 10 minutes twice daily, cold water swimming or end a hot shower with cold water.